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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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About Creating Links to Dashboard Pages

You can create links to dashboard pages, if allowed at your organization. This lets you, for example, save a link as a bookmark or copy and send a link to other users in email.

There are two types of links that you can create — bookmark links and prompted links. The following sections describes these links:

For how to create links to dashboard pages, see "Creating Links to Dashboard Pages".

What Are Bookmark Links?

A bookmark link is a URL that captures the path to a dashboard page and all aspects of the page state, for example:


After you create a bookmark link, you can:

  • Save the link as a bookmark so that you can return to the exact same page content at a later time.

  • Copy and send the link to other users who then can view the exact same content that you are viewing, providing they have the same permissions as you and have access to the page.

When you create a bookmark link, the state of a dashboard page is saved in the catalog as a hidden bookmark object for the amount of time that your organization specifies. The default is 30 days. See the administrator for the amount of time that your organization specifies. Because the state of a dashboard page is saved when you create a bookmark link, you can continue to modify the content of the page after you create the link.

What Are Prompted Links?

A prompted link captures the path to a dashboard page and a simplified presentation of the dashboard prompts, for example:

<Content Path>&Action=Navigate&col1="Products"."P1  Product"&val1="Bluetooth Adaptor"&psa1="A - Sample Sales"

When you create a prompted link, you can manually or programmatically manipulate the link, such as by adding different values for the prompts. Note that with a prompted link, you cannot capture all aspects of the page state as you can with a bookmark link. This is because you cannot replicate the exact state of non-prompt parameters.

A URL that captures the path to a dashboard page and a simplified presentation of the dashboard prompts can also be manually constructed rather than created by a prompted link. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

For more information on manipulating prompted links, see the following topics:

Basic Syntax of Prompted Links

The basic syntax of a prompted link is as follows:

<Content Path>&Action=Navigate&col1&op1&val1&col2&op2&val2&var3&op3&val3…

where Content Path is any of these base URLs:

http://<obiee url path>/saw.dll?Dashboard&PortalPath=<dashboard path>
http://<obiee url path>/saw.dll?Dashboard&PortalPath=<dashboard path>&Page=<page name>
http://<obiee url path>/saw.dll?PortalGo&path=<analysis or prompt path>
http://<obiee url path>/saw.dll?Go&path=<analysis or prompt path>

Parameters for Prompted Links

The parameters that you can use to modify prompted links are as follows:

  • &Action= — Specifies the action that the prompted link is to take. Valid values are:

    • Navigate — Navigates to the dashboard page.

    • Print — Format results for printing to PDF, without paging controls, hot links, and so on.

    • Download — Downloads the results to Microsoft Excel.

    You cannot use Print and Download, if the viewState argument exists. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • &col#= — Identifies the column used in a column prompt.


    &col1="EASTERN REGION"
  • &var#= — Identifies the variable used in a variable prompt or a variable that is set by a column prompt.

    The scope of all variables is dashboard, by default, unless you explicitly reference the variable.



    You cannot set a session variable with this parameter. You can, however, override a session variable by using setting a request variable. For example, you can override the NQ_SESSION.REGION_VAR by setting this request variable:

  • These value parameters:

    • &val#= — Specifies the value of a prompt.


      &val1="EASTERN REGION"
    • &valgrp#= — Sets the value of a prompt to a custom group's catalog path.


    • &valsv#= — Sets the value of a prompt to a server variable.


    • &valeval#= — Sets the value of a prompt to a presentation variable.


    • &valsql#= — Sets the value of a prompt to a logical SQL statement.


      &valsql1="Select Markets.District from Paint where Products.Brand >= '@{myBrand}{}' order by Markets.District desc"

    The val# and valgrp# parameters can co-exist with each other but not with the valsv#, or valeval#, or valsql# parameters. In other words, the prompt can have any combination of val# and valgrp#, but cannot have both valsv# and val#.

  • &cov#= — Sets the variable of a column prompt that also sets a variable.


    &var1=myRegion&cov1="Markets"."Region"&val1="EASTERN.REGION"+"WESTERN REGION"
  • &op#= — (optional) Specifies the operator, for example equal (eq).

    Use the same operators as those for the Go URL. For a list of these operators, see "Navigation Parameters" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition


    &col1="Markets"."Region"&val1="EASTERN REGION"+"WESTERN REGION"&op1=in
  • &psa#= — (optional) Identifies a primary subject area for a prompt.

    Use this parameter if a prompt requires that the data types of values be correctly identified by subject area.


    &var1=myRegion&cov1="Markets"."Region"&val1="EASTERN REGION"+"WESTERN REGION"&psa1=Paint

    If a prompted link includes multiple subject areas, specify the prompts that do not identify a subject area first (for example, &psa1="Products"."P1 Products") and those that do identify a subject area last (for example, &psa2="B-Sample Target"."Products"."P1 Products").

  • &formulause#= — Identifies whether a prompt value is a code value or a display value (in a repository that is configured for the double column feature).

    If you do not use this parameter, it is assumed that the value is a display value.


  • For prompts that use hierarchical columns:

    • &hierid#= — (required) Identifies the hierarchy ID.

    • &dimid#= — (required) Identifies the dimension ID.

    • &tblnm#= — (required) Identifies the table name.


    &col1="Products"."Products Hierarchy"&hierid1=Products Hierarchy&dimid1=H1 Products&tblnm1="Products"&val1="*"+"all"&psa1="A - Sample Sales"

    If there are multiple values across multiple levels, you need to expand the syntax of values. For how, see "Expanding the Syntax of Values".

Expanding the Syntax of Values

In a prompted link that includes hierarchical columns, if there are multiple values across multiple levels, you need to expand the syntax of values.

To expand the syntax of values:

  1. Group values based on their levelID.

  2. Put all values belonging to the same level into one array and add the corresponding levelID to the front of each array as follows:

    "Detail Product"+"7"+"4"
  3. Concatenate each array and separate them with +*.

  4. Put the entire concatenated string into a &val#= parameter. For example:

    &col1="Products"."Products Hierarchy"&hierid1=Products Hierarchy&dimid1=H1 Products&tblnm1="Products"&val1="LOB"+"Digital"+*"Brand"+"HomeView"+*"Detail Product"+"7"+"4"&psa1="A - Sample Sales"

Guidelines for Manipulating Prompted Links

The guidelines for manipulating prompted links are as follows:

  • Use any combination of &col#= and &var#= but number them consecutively starting from 1 to N. For example, you could use var1, col2, col3, or you could use col1, var2, or col3.

  • Use plus signs (+) to separate values.

  • Use these locale-independent formats for date, time, and timestamp:

    For the date format:


    For the time format:


    For the timestamp format (the expected timezone is UTC):

    YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mm:ss
  • Make sure that you properly encode the URL. Not all browsers or platforms allow unescaped URLs. For example, encode a double quote (") as %22, a whitespace character as %20, and so on.

  • Be aware that the URL character length that browsers support varies among browsers. If a URL is longer that the supported length, it will be truncated. The workaround is to use a bookmark link or another browser that supports the longer length.

  • Optionally omit the double quotes if there are no white spaces inside the values.


To quickly and accurately construct a prompted URL manually, navigate to a dashboard page with the corresponding prompts, apply the desired prompt values, create a prompted link to generate the prompted URL, and then use the URL as a template.